WEEE Directive

The recycling, recovery, takeback and free of charge collection sch​emes for Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment are outlined and regulated under the WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU. In the UK, the WEEE Directive is implemented by the WEEE Regulations 2013. Gas Measurement Instruments (GMI UK Ltd) offers a free of charge take back scheme and is part of B2B Take back compliance scheme. Please email customer services at: [email protected]

As highlighted in Article 6 of the WEEE Directive, the treatment of WEEE must be done using best available treatment, recovery and recycling techniques (BATRRT). GMI works with third party service providers for the disposal of WEEE using best available techniques (BAT )and best available treatment, recovery and recycling techniques (BATRRT).

As a producer of industrial batteries under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009, we (Gas Measurement Instruments) produce (Industrial battery packs consisting of Nickel Cadmium batteries. These batteries are assembled into industrial battery backs and fully encapsulated. The Nickel cadmium batteries cannot be separated from the battery packs as they are connected to the battery packs with terminals. 

The chemistry of the Nickel Cadmiu​​​m battery is listed in the table below:

Chemical name​​​
CAS Number Content (wt.%)
Active Nickel (present as Ni (OH)2 and NiOOH 12054-48-7 10- 25% ​
Active cadmium (present as cd (OH)2 and cd) 21041-95-2 10 -19% ​
Cobalt 21041-93-0 0- 2% ​
Alkaline electrolyte (Ph=14) - 14- 27% ​
Plastics - 3 -6% ​
Steel - 25-45% ​

We are obliged to take back free of charge, waste industrial batteries supplied to an end user for treatment and recycling. We are required to do this in any calendar year we place new industrial batteries on the market. If any of our customers or in certain cases other end users, require us to take back Industrial batteries, they should contact us at [email protected]; contact number: 0141 812 3211). We will agree the necessary arrangements for the return, proper treatment and recycling of the waste industrial batteries.