Envir​onment​​​​ & Sustaina​​​b​​ility​

Environme​nt Policy Goals

  • Understand the requirements of the 14001:2015 standard
  • Prevent the risk of pollution
  • Identify the impact of our activities on the environment and reduce it, mainly by encouraging the development of eco-mobility
  • Strengthen the environmental protection culture of our employees
  • Ensure optimal management of waste generated and energy consumption​


Teledyne as a group is ​aware of the importance of sustainable development and supports the carbon dioxide and gree​nhouse gas reduction targets of COP26 in Glasgow.

That's why a GHG inventory has been conducted and monitoring has been put in place since 2020. The goal? Targeting a 40% reductioning GHG emissions in company operations, normalized for revenue, from 2020 levels by the end of 2040. ​

Since 2016, Teledyne has implemented a company-wide “Go Green” initiative focused on environmental improvement. Projects include pollution prevention, waste minimization, source reduction, energy use conservation, and material recycling. 

Environmental Committee

Climate change issues are a major concern for many employees. However, the level of knowledge and awareness on this subject varies according to everyone.
As part of the 40by40 project, an eclectic committee of 14 employees has been established at our Arras site with monthly meetings.

The goal? To collect ideas from employees that will enable decarbonization and sustainable development within the company.

These ideas are taken in coordination with the QSE department, which remains the guarantor of ISO 14001 certification.

They are then submitted to the Board of Directors for validation and implemented in practice.

Here are some of the ideas discussed during this committee:

  • Carrying out a carbon assessment
  • Optimized management of green spaces to protect biodiversity and positively influence decarbonization
  • Facilitate access to the site for cyclists and pedestrians (road works/cycle path/specific entrance)
  • Keys given to employees for individual actions in private
  • Energy efficiency: replacement of neon lighting with LED lighting, shutdown of gas heaters
  • Reusing "obsolete" IT eq​uipment 

Climate Fresk

This participatory game, based on current scientific knowledge compiled by the IPCC, helps to raise awareness of the causes of climate change and its consequences.

The programme is extended to all Teledyne Oldham Simtronics employees in order to reach the same level of knowledge on these subjects that concern us all. Finally, it is intended to be a vehicle for mobilisation.

Grand Défi

Grand Défi.webpWe are proud to join the Grand Défi today and to participate, alongside other organisations, in the creation of a new model of economic, humanistic and regenerative prosperity.

The Grand Défi is: a massive consultation dedicated to the ecological transition of companies. Business representatives will meet for 6 months. The aim? To collectively formulate 100 proposals for action for a new model of economic prosperity compatible with planetary limits, followed by an operational deployment of these conclusions in the economic and political spheres.



For several years, we have been implementing actions to encourage more environmentally friendly travel.​​

These actions concern home/work trips, as well as the professional trips of our employees:

  • Switching part of the car fleet to hybrid electric and installing electric charging stations for employee vehicles
  • Development and implementation of a telework charter
  • Development of a car policy that includes an incentive to use less polluting vehicles
  • Definition of individual travel objectives for sales representatives
  • Construction of a covered bicycle parking lot 
  • ​Creation of a gate and a bicycle path to encourage and secure travel​
  • Provision of 2 electric bicycles
  • Introduction of a bicycle mobility allowance
  • ​Promotion/encouragement of carpooling



  • Beehives
    We decided to enter into a partnership with a company specializing in the
    installation and maintenance of beehives in order to contribute to the  preservation of the environment an​d the conservation of species.
    This initiative led to the installation of two beehives in a flowery melliferous meadow and was punctuated by educational conferences.

  • Clean-up
    Regularly and on a voluntary basis, we proceed to a cleaning of our sites by collecting the possible waste.
    The activity takes place over 30 minutes, respecting the safety and sanitary rules.

  • ​​Late mowing
    The planting of trees and the​ late mo​wing is a reasoned maintenance of certain vegetated areas on our site. It allows us to postpone mowing until the end of the flowering season in order to preserve biodiversity. This technique favors, for example, the nesting of birds, the protection of microfauna and the diversification of the flora, and therefore allows us to be part of a sustainable development approach.​


Health​​ & Safety

Policy ​​Goals

  • Deploying the MASE in France and ISO 45001:2018 management systems
  • Eliminate hazards
  • Prevent risks, injuries and pathologies related to work for all our employees and anyone working for our company
  • Inform, educate, and train our employees on risks and prevention measures and best practices
  • Encourage feedback from employees and shared vigilance
  • Develop the quality of life at work and the well-being of employees by having committed and loyal teams

Improve communication and develop the use of common tools (field feedback, change management, etc.)

Psycho-social Risk Preventio​n​

To step up its fight against PSR, the Company wanted to set up a dedicated code of ethics. This code is based​​​​​​ on the principles of loyalty, respect, and dignity of individuals, but also on the rights of individuals and individual freedoms.

Through this code of ethics, the company wishes to reinforce its commitment to a process of prevention of PSR which can affect the quality of life at work.

Diversity and Inclusion 

We are committed to being transparent as we build a more diverse and inclusive workplace, and we actively monitor diversity metrics on a global basis. This data is an important step in our diversity journey. ​


In France, the recognition of the status of disabled worker (RQTH) is an administrative decision which grants disabled people a status allowing them to benefit from specific assistance at work.

"Any person whose possibilities of obtaining or keeping a job are effectively reduced as a result of the impairment of one or more physical, sensory, mental or psychological functions is considered a disabled worker."

Art L.5213-1 of the French Labour Code - 2005

Our company is engaged in this program with 2 referents on site, which missions are:

table explaining the role of referent for disabilities

HSE Challenge​

We organized a half-day health and safety event for staff in Arras.
The aim of this activity was threefold:

  • To make staff aware of the safety risks linked to our activity and inappropriate behavior
  • To make staff discover our site and our activities and to arouse your curiosity about what your colleagues do every day
  • Participate in a fun but competitive team activity - achieving a goal (even a simpl​e one) remained our daily goal

Everybody enjoyed in a good mood and ​​team spirit!​​

More recently, after the Covid pandemic,​ we also organized a safety campaign via a modern digital App, dedicated to remote staff on following themes :

  • Slips and falls
  • Dangerous situations
  • Road hazards
  • Home office


The objec​tives

  • To make all employees individually aware of safety.
  • To ensure that they receive a weekly safety reminder.
  • To supplement the safety quarter-hour or replace it in certain cases.
  • To reinforce the safety culture.
  • To create a positive dynamic around prevention.

The benefits

  • The tool is fun and entertaining, and therefore motivating.
  • Each week a different exercise (15 exercises).
  • Modern solution: film, games, find the mistakes, ...
  • Can be done in teams or individually.
  • Accessible at a distance for everyone



40by40 reduction in greenhouse gas